
Two factor analyses were performed to investigate the validity of the Italian version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Form F by locating the MBTI scales and factors in personality factor space in order to establish their meaning. In the first analysis the four continuous scores of the MBTI were subjected to a factor analysis together with the scales of the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) Form C and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) with a sample of 227 subjects. Five factors were obtained of which three resembled three of the five factors of the five-factor model of personality (Extraversion, Tough-mindedness and Anxiety). They appear to be closely related to the EPQ E, P and N factors. In the second analysis, the MBTI factor scores were subjected to a factor analysis together with the scales of the 16PF and the EPQ. The results were similar to those of the first analysis. The authors conclude that one only MBTI scale seems to have a clear meaning (EI). Of the three remaining scales, SN and JP seem to overlap at some extension, while TF seems to be not sufficiently pure, because it loads on two different factors. It is suggested the MBTI has to be substantially modified.

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