
The allergens of the lung fluke Paragonimus westermani were localized by indirect immunostaining in adult fluke sections using pleural exudates from 3 patients with P. westermani. Immunostaining performed by using pleural exudate with the highest level of specific IgE revealed that the P. westermani major allergen (or allergens) was located in the gut epithelium and luminal contents and that minor allergens were in the tegument and parenchyma. The antigens recognized by specific IgG were located at various sites including those recognized by specific IgE. Paragonimus westermani-specific IgE cross-reacted with only the gut of 2 other Paragonimus species, Paragonimus miyazakii and Paragonimus ohirai. The major allergen in the gut also was recognized by the other 2 pleural exudates. These results indicate that the substance present in and secreted from the gut is not only a major allergen but is also a common allergen among Paragonimus species.

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