
“The Lion Refugee in Europe” is a critical race/anti-Blackness fictional counterstory that offers a perspective on the European refugee/immigrant situation. The story follows Asad, a young Somali refugee who ventures to Italy in hopes of gaining political asylum. By centering Asad as the main character, this fictional counterstory is meant to expose the realities experienced by refugees on their passages, specifically those leaving Africa. The lead author conducted the research for the counterstory during the summer of 2019. Much of the story reflects real events involving the state of refugee affairs related to the anti-immigration policy implemented under Italy’s previous right-wing government. Asad’s story is meant to reflect the experiences of refugees and the anti-immigrant sentiment that is prevalent throughout Europe. An immigration/refugee fictional critical race theory (CRT) counterstory told from this point of view is meant to confront a European nationalist stance on immigration and promote a more critical race/anti-Blackness/Afrophobia awareness and response toward the experiences of Black immigrant/refugee populations in Europe.

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