
A frequent topic of discussion at the North Central Branch (NCB) of the Entomological Society of America (ESA) program committee planning sessions during the late 1970's was student participation at the ESA meetings. One suggestion that surfaced was development of a contest for students within the NCB, Such contests have been popularized in other scientific societies and range from comedy skits to identification or judging contests, The NCB program committee, charired by L. C. Pedigo, accepted our suggestion of a college-bowl style entomological contest. The contest was introduced at the NCB annual meeting held at Sioux Falls, S. Dak. in 1982. The primary goal of the contest was to provide an identifiable student activity at our branch meeting, but it also appeared to us that at least two other objectives could be achieved. First, the contest could provide an effective learning tool for participants and audience alike, Secondly, because scientific meetings are predominately serious in nature, such a contest could provide needed diversion from the traditional business of paper-reading sessions, workshops and symposia, In other words, we thought the contest could be fun.

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