
Made in the frame of a French master on political history of USA in Paris IV La Sorbonne University, this subject is the third part of “ The Economy of Apollo during the 60s”. Nicolas Turcat is actually preparing his PhD in History of Innovation (DEA—Paris IV La Sorbonne). Our actual subject is “ the link between aerospace industry and NASA during the Apollo years”. This speech will highlight on some aspects of the link between NASA and aerospace industry. NASA could achieve the Apollo mission safely and under heavy financial pressure during the sixties due to a new type of organization for a civil agency; the contractor system. In fact, Military used it since the 1950s. And we will see how the development of this type of contract permitted a better interaction between the two parts. NASA would make another type of link with universities and technical institutes; a real brain trust was created, and between 1961 and 1967, 10,000 students worked and more than 200 universities on Apollo program. We will try to study briefly the procurement plan and process during the Apollo years. Without entering the “ spin-offs debate”, we will try to watch different aspects of the impacts and realities of the contractor and subcontractor system. We will see that would create a political debate inside USA when presidents Johnson and Nixon would decide to reduce Apollo program. Which states will benefit Apollo program? Or questions like how the debate at the end of the 1960s will become more and more political? Actually, almost 60% of the country's R&D was focused on Apollo, economical and moreover, political impacts would be great. We will try to study this under the light of different example: and particularly in California. The industrial and military complex was a part of the Apollo program. Apollo reoriented the aim of this complex for making it the first aerospace industry. Since this time, USA had not only acquired space ambition but real space capabilities. But more than “ just” creating commercial spin-offs for the civil society, Apollo create one of the first political stake of our modern technology. The power delivered for reaching the goal is one of the best examples given these last 60 years. Space became an economical ambition after being led by a political will. The link created between this two main part of the program (NASA and aerospace industries) is one of the most valuable spin-offs for Apollo.

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