
Modern integration processes contribute to the formation a digital space and reinforce the necessity for communication between citizens of different countries in foreign languages. The number of people who are speaking more than one foreign language is growing. Currently, more than half of EU citizens are free to communicate in at least one foreign language. Therefore, in recent years, scientists have increased attention to solving objective problems related to the study of foreign languages, including the problem of linguistic interference. The purpose of the study is to determine the content and basic properties of "linguistic interference", to elucidate the features of its manifestation in increasing the level of bilingualism in the language environment. The author has considered the problems that arise in cross-cultural communication in the language of bilinguals as a result of the interaction and interpenetration of different language systems, disclosed the contents and the basic properties of the linguistic interference concept based on generalization and analysis of scientific approaches. Generally, the interference means the transfer of native language norms to another in the process of learning it. By other scientists’ definition, interference is a deviation from interacting languages norms including merging, mixing, contact, mutual influence, etc. Such a transfer of the one language norms to another can be done orally, in the process of speech, during translation, writing, etc. The interference occurrence problem has not only a linguistic basis, but also a psychological one, as linguistic communication is not only the exchange of speech structures, but also the psychological perception of speech patterns in mind. In this context, the features of manifestation of linguistic interference features in language environment bilingualism level conditions increasing have been clarified. The author also identified the linguistic interference types and the main reasons that cause it. In addition, cultural aspects of communication become important when the linguistic units understanding can be interpreted differently from the cultural context. It is determined that, on the one hand, interference leads to a linguistic norms violation due by mixing similar language units, and on the other hand, it acts as a specific factor in the development of speech.


  • In recent years, scientists have increased attention to solving objective problems related to the study of foreign languages, including the problem of linguistic interference

  • The author has considered the problems that arise in cross-cultural communication in the language of bilinguals as a result of the interaction and interpenetration of different language systems, disclosed the contents and the basic properties of the linguistic interference concept based on generalization and analysis of scientific approaches

  • The interference means the transfer of native language norms to another in the process of learning it

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У загальному розумінні інтерференція становить собою зміни в структурі мовної системи однієї мови під впливом іншої, які виникають у На наш управлінські посади (38%), особливо порівняно з погляд, важливого значення набувають питання домогосподарками (15%), працівниками, що вико- усвідомлення виникнення інтерференції як явища ристовують ручну працю, та безробітними (22%); в процесі вивчення іноземної мови, дасть змогу люди, які користуються Інтернетом щодня (35%), зменшити її негативний вплив на рідну мову порівняно з тими, хто ніколи не користується ним білінгва. Залежно від опанування не рідної мови, до яких, у тому числі, помилок у мовленні, викликаних лінгвістичною належить і проблема лінгвістичної інтерферен- інтерференцією, існують її різні види

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