
The article examines the creative work of the famous twentieth century writer Ingeborg Bachmann. Various influences (philosophy, music, literature, personal life) on the formation of the writer's worldview, on her artistic style, on the way of reflecting her philosophical views and worldview in various genres: lyrics ("Die gestundete Zeit"), radio plays ("Der gute Gott von Manhatten") and novels ("Malina") are considered. The role of philosophy and the study of the scientific achievements of Wittgenstein and Heidegger in the formation of Bachmanns philosophical views and worldview, the influence of art (music and literature) on her creative path are analyzed. The attention is also paid to Bachmann's personal contacts with representatives of "Group 47", with writers P. Celan, M. Frisch, personal relationships with which significantly affected her life and her work, many facts of contacts with which are mentioned in the texts of the writer. Peculiarities of linguistic representation of Bachmann's worldview in her works by means of lexical, syntactic, graphic means are analyzed and shown on the material of texts.

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