
The concept of "patriotism" has been the focus of research interest since the very first stages of the formation of science. Its uniqueness is due to the combination of polysemy, high nominative density and conceptual stability with a component of abstractness and active use in speech and text. This mental education is characterized by the ability to nominate actions and behavior patterns, reflect conceptual and linguistic specifics and constitutive features. The factuality component is implemented through a pair of correlates "the concept of "patriotism" – the intention of the speaker", expressing a nuclear or peripheral meaning relevant to a certain communicative situation and type of discourse. The extralinguistic aspect of the concept under study is formed by a set of culturally significant associations and the degree of interaction with a particular subsystem of the language. The article notes that the concept of "patriotism" plays a significant role in the modern national linguistic consciousness. The article focuses on understanding the concept of "patriotism" based on the traditional values of national culture. It is emphasized that the studied linguistic unit performs its functions in the aesthetic space as one of the connecting elements between the individual and society. The author attributes to the key features of this phenomenon such as praxeology, appeals of concentrated and dispersive properties, high conceptual stability, limit, polysemy.

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