
Saussure introduced us to synchronicity and diachronism; indicators and meanings in general linguistics courses. This basic set of opposites can study any human phenomenon, which is based on a system of contrasts and combinatorial relations between regularized indicative elements. In this article, the author is committed to analyzing and summarizing the concept of N-Gram Markov language Model and specific steps, and using this language model to analyze the manifestation of time linear characteristics in language variants. We try to find out the role of the concept of time in the change of youth are in different eras, and the cause of youth ar. The research method used in this article is based on Saussure’s theory- synchronicity and diachronicity. And the author use the N-Gram Markov language model to try to explore practical problems in new media education. The academic research results can be used in foreign language teaching, social media and educational psychology.

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