
In this chapter we introduce the class of linear canonical transformations, which includes as particular cases the Fourier transformation (and its generalization: the fractional Fourier transformation), the Fresnel transformation, and magnifier, rotation and shearing operations. The basic properties of these transformations—such as cascadability, scaling, shift, phase modulation, coordinate multiplication and differentiation—are considered. We demonstrate that any linear canonical transformation is associated with affine transformations in phase space, defined by time-frequency or position-momentum coordinates. The affine transformation is described by a symplectic matrix, which defines the parameters of the transformation kernel. This alternative matrix description of linear canonical transformations is widely used along the chapter and allows simplifying the classification of such transformations, their eigenfunction identification, the interpretation of the related Wigner distribution and ambiguity function transformations, among many other tasks. Special attention is paid to the consideration of one- and two-dimensional linear canonical transformations, which are more often used in signal processing, optics and mechanics. Analytic expressions for the transforms of some selected functions are provided.

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