
The natural limits of capitalism are expressed not only in the global suspension of economic growth, which has been considered endless. It is also a crisis of its non-economic legitimization, of those political forms that have made possible smoothing of inequality generated by capitalism. The nation-state, the model of social state and representative democracy were the mechanisms of access for the most citizens to the fruits of the economic growth generated by capitalism. However, the growth limits of available public resources did not significantly change the strategies of political and economic elites. Attempts to redistribute the non-growing public pie were expressed in neoliberal rhetoric; devaluation of the political nation model as co-citizenship; reduction of forms of social policy; the crisis of democracy, expressed in a return to its narrow interpretation as Schumpeterian competition of the elites. The tendencies related to the fact that the elites would like to keep receiving an additional piece of the public pie at the expense of the majority, reinforce inequality and deprive capitalism of convincing value-institutional regulation that have earlier ensured its stable existence. There is a growing demand in society for return to a more egalitarian model of the distribution of public resources. Its options are less and less associated with capitalism as a society dominated by market metaphor that ideologically represents modernity, but for many reasons has ceased to provide acceptable prospects for the majority. It seems that rental society is becoming an alternative to capitalism without economic growth and with a shrinking labor market. In the rental society, the key mechanisms of stratification and access to resources are again moving from the market to the nation-state, non-market types of public exchanges are strengthening, and social policy is striving for a model of basic unconditional income. The room for social construction is reduced to local utopias and virtues of various minorities, while populism becomes the dominant form of political discourse, which instead of decaying economic classes turns to the majority and is compatible with both the right and the left political value systems.


  • Ключевые слова: капитализм; посткапитализм; пределы роста; легитимация; демократия; неравенство; политическая форма; популизм; рыночное общество; рентное общество; утопия

  • The natural limits of capitalism are expressed in the global suspension of economic growth, which has been considered endless. It is a crisis of its non-economic legitimization, of those political forms that have made possible smoothing of inequality generated by capitalism

  • The nation-state, the model of social state and representative democracy were the mechanisms of access for the most citizens to the fruits of the economic growth generated by capitalism

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Естественные пределы капитализма выражаются не только в глобальной приостановке темпов экономического роста, который считался бесконечным. Нация-государство, модель социального государства и представительной демократии были механизмами участия большинства граждан в плодах экономического роста, генерируемого капитализмом. Однако пределы роста доступных общественных ресурсов существенным образом не изменили стратегии политических и экономических элит. Представляется, что альтернативой капитализму без экономического роста и при сокращающемся рынке труда становится модель рентного общества, которая гипотетически позволяет преобразовать «рост без развития» в «развитие без роста». В рентном обществе ключевые механизмы стратификации и доступа к ресурсам вновь переходят от рынка к национальному государству, усиливаются статусные групповые неравенства и нерыночные типы общественных обменов, а социальная политика стремиться к оптимизации в виде модели базового безусловного дохода. Ключевые слова: капитализм; посткапитализм; пределы роста; легитимация; демократия; неравенство; политическая форма; популизм; рыночное общество; рентное общество; утопия

Кризис политических форм воспроизводства и легитимации позднего капитализма
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