
Gambir-(Uncaria - gambir) -is commonly found in North Sumatera, especially in Pak-pak Bharat and Dairi Regency. This-study-aimed to determine the limiting factors for-gambir cultivation land suitability in Sari Laba Jahe Village, Sibiru-biru Sub-district, Deli Serdang Regency, North-Sumatera-Province. This study was-conducted from January 2020 to June 2020. Soil sampling based on land-unit was carried-out through a field survey to determine soil characteristics in the-study location. The land-suitability was evaluated-based on the matching method-between data from laboratory analysis and available gambir-land-suitability criteria. The results-showed that the actual-land suitability-class for-gambir in Sari-Laba Jahe-Village is marginally-suitable-(S3) with temperature limiting factor (tc) and root zone media (rc) of 65.39% in land-units-I,-III,-VI, XI and-marginally-suitable (S3) with a temperature (tc) factor of 34.61% in land-units-II,-IV,-V,-VI,-VII,-VIII,-IX,-X. The limiting-factor of temperature-(tc) and-root zone-media-(rc) were difficult limiting factors to overcome so, that the potential, land suitability-for-gambir in Sari-Laba-Jahe Village is the-same-as the actual-land-suitability.

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