
view Abstract Citations (12) References Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS The Limb Flare of may 8, 1951. Dodson, Helen W. ; McMath, Robert R. Abstract Published data indicate that flares have been observed at the limb of the sun with elevations above the chromosphere of 8000-80,000 km. Continuous records of the solar limb and disk secured on Ha spectroheliograms at the McMath-Hulbert Observatory show the outbreak and development of a number of these flarelike prominences. They range in form from relatively small cap-type prominences to the great flare prominence of May 8, 1951. This latter object rose to a height of 50,000 km in less than 90 seconds. During this interval the Ha lines of the spectrum were 8-10 A wide and showed large Doppler displacements. Throughout the remainder of the flare the change in height was negligible, and the Ha spectrum lines were 5-6 A wide and symmetrical. This flare prominence was four times as bright as the undisturbed Ha disk, was accompanied by an increase in 200-Mc/sec radiation from the sun, and was associated with a sudden disturbance of the earth's ionosphere. Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Pub Date: January 1952 DOI: 10.1086/145514 Bibcode: 1952ApJ...115...78D full text sources ADS |

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