
A distinct feature of the ion composition results from the OGO-2, 4 and 6 satellites is the light ion trough, wherein the mid latitude concentrations of H + and He + decrease sharply with latitude, dropping to levels of 10 3 ions/cm 3 or less near 60° dipole latitude ( L=4). In contrast to the ‘main trough’ in electron density, N e , observed primarily as a nightside phenomenon, the light ion trough persists during both day and night. For daytime winter hemisphere conditions and for all seasons during night, the mid latitude light ion concentration decrease is a pronounced feature. In the dayside summer and equinox hemispheres, the rate of light ion decrease with latitude is comparatively gradual, and the trough boundary is less well defined, particularly for quiet magnetic conditions. In response to magnetic storms, the light ion trough minimum moves equatorward, and deepens, consistent with earlier evidence of the contraction of the plasmasphere in response to storm time enhancements in magnetospheric plasma convection. The fact that a pronounced light ion trough is observed under conditions for which the dominant ion O + may exhibit little or no simultaneous decrease appears to explain why earlier studies of the ‘main trough’ in topside distributions of N e and N i may, at times, have been inconclusive in relating the total ionization minimum with the mechanism of the plasmapause. In particular, the topside distribution of N i appears to be the complex resultant of several variables within the ion composition, being governed by the competing processes of chemical production and loss, loss through magnetospheric convection, and large-scale dynamic transport resulting from neutral winds and electric fields. The net result is that in general, the light ion trough, rather than N i , provides a more fundamental parameter for examining the structure and behavior of the plasmapause.

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