
Since Wittgenstein at the end of his “Philosophical Investigations” (II, XIV) criticized the conceptual confusion and barrenness of psychology, it can be said that criticism of this “young science” has not ceased. The excuse of youth was not accepted by Wittgenstein: physics, he stated, did not have the vacillating history that has characterized psychology. In the last few years critics have become harsher towards the science of psychology. Psychology is criticized for its lack of unity and direction. It has also been criticized for its use of relevant scientific methods to address irrelevant human problems. Psychologists believe that they have viable methods for the solution of the problems that concern us. However, due to the conceptual confusion which their treatment suffers from, these problems are usually overlooked. In this aspect, psychology is very unique, given that, as the great psychologist Sigmund Koch observed, “its institutionalization precedes its contents, and its methods precedes its problems.”

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