
The N400 component of event-related potentials (ERPs) was obtained in a modified version of the Neely [J.H. Neely, Semantic priming and retrieval from lexical memory: Roles of inhibitionless spreading activation and limited-capacity attention, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Vol. 106 (1977), pp. 226–254.] paradigm which permits unconfounding of semantic priming effects due to automatic and attentional processes. It was found that a short stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) of 250 ms between the prime and the target was associated with automatic but not expectancy effects on the amplitude of N400. At a long SOA of 2000 ms between prime and target, semantic priming effects on N400 were obtained associated with both automatic and expectancy processes. Moreover, there was no significance difference in the magnitude of the automatic effects at the two SOAs, suggesting that automatic processing had not decayed within the 2000 ms interval between the prime and target. The results support the two-processing interpretation of semantic priming advanced by Posner and Synder [M.I. Posner, C.R.R. Snyder, Attention and cognitive control, in: R.L. Solso (Ed.), Information Processing and Cognition: The Loyola Symposium, Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ (1975).] and concur with the results of Neely [J.H. Neely, Semantic priming and retrieval from lexical memory: Roles of inhibitionless spreading activation and limited-capacity attention, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Vol. 106 (1977), pp. 226–254], with the exception of indicating a longer persistence of automatic processes.

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