
To determine the lifetime and point prevalence of neck, upper back and low back pain of people living in central Malatya with influencing factors. This research study is a cross-sectional interview survey. Thirty health house spots tied to the health clinics in the city center were chosen as thirty sets with the method of sampling and 600 people by taking 20 people from each set were included in the research. The data were collected between the 1st of June and the 1st of September. The association between pain prevalence and socio-demographic, health and behavior related characteristics were evaluated. Chi-square and backward stepwise logistic regression tests were used in the analyses. Of the participants, 56.2% were women, 46.8% were men, and the mean age was 38.5±0.5 years. The lifetime neck, upper back and low back prevalence were 79.3%, 59.5% and 86.3%, respectively. The point prevalence of neck, upper back and low back were 12.0%, 3.0% and 18.3%, in that order. Gender, age, and psychological problems were determined to be the main predictors of life time pain prevalence. For point pain prevalences, the main predictors were gender, psychological problems and body mass index. Both lifetime and point pain prevalence showed that musculoskeletal disorders symptoms were common in the central Malatya region. In-service training of health personnel on the subject, assessment, notification, and prevention methods should be developed.

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