
Many brilliant scientists, professors, whose life and fate were directly connected with the history of the university, worked at the St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University. Our national pharmacy owes their talent and enthusiasm.
 Based on unpublished archival records, the article reconstructs the biography, professional, scientific and social activities of Abram Mikhailovich Khaletsky, a wellknown chemist, professor, Doctor of Chemistry, who made a great contribution to the development of Russian science, who for many years worked as the Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the Leningrad Pharmaceutical Institution. A graduate of the Medical Department of Kazan University, a student of Academy A.E. Favorsky, he took an active part in the reformation of the educational process of the LCPI. It was A.M. Khaletsky who proposed a new form of appraisal of pharmacists at that time the defense of theses, the first of them were performed at the Department of Organic Chemistry. Among the scientific achievements made under the leadership of A.M. Khaletsky: studies of isomeric changes of keto-alcohol, technology for the production of standard galenical preparations, the method of isolation of -sitosterol, improvement of hormone technology and the search for new hormonal drugs, and many others. Actively promoted the integration of scientific developments in the pharmaceutical industry. Research by Professor A. M. Khaletsky undoubtedly enriched the theory and practice of organic and pharmaceutical chemistry, made the contribution to the science of the relationships between biological structure and activity, replenished the range of medicine with new drugs and methods of their analysis.
 The article provides information about the work of one of the oldest departments of the Leningrad Chemical and Pharmaceutical Institute - pharmaceutical chemistry during the leadership of A.M. Khaletsky (1950-x).

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