
Chronic Kidney Failure (CKD) is a global health problem that shows a very high mortalityrate. The one of the treatments in patients with chronic kidney failure is hemodialysis.Hemodialysis (HD) is very important for patients with chronic kidney failure becausehemodialysis is uses to sustain life for people with chronic kidney failure and can preventdeath but hemodialysis will not cure the kidney disease itself. Patients with chronic renal failureshould undergo lifelong hemodialysis therapy. Patients’ experience under hemodialysistherapy is very phenomenal because have a number of important problems both physically andpsychologically as the effect of hemodialysis therapy. The objective of the research was to findout the life experience of patients chronic kidney failure under hemodialysis treatment. Theresearch was a phenomenological descriptive study. The data were gathered by conducting indepth interviews. The samples were 5 people, they were 3 male and 2 female, participants ageranged between 25- 60 years, with duration of received maintenance hemodialysis least oneyear. The samples taken by using purposive sampling technique. The interview was conductedat the hemodialysis room in Bandar Lampung Adventist Hospital. The result of the interviewswas analyzed by using Creswell method. It was found that there were eight categories. Thecategories found in this research are cognator, regulator, role function physiological-physical,change of self-concept, role function, interdependence, development of self-efficacy andadaptive. The life experience of patients with chronic kidney failure and the coping mechanismthey use is a way to develop knowledge in treating patients with chronic kidney failurecomprehensively.

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