
The life cycle of Dendritobilharzia anatinarum was completed experimentally in the laboratory. Cairina moschata domestica (domestic duck) and Biomphalaria straminea served respectively as definitive and intermediate hosts. Eggs passed in duck faeces hatch miracidia in 10 minutes when placed in water. Eight days after the snail infection, the mother sporocyst contains daughter sporocysts ready to migrate. Cercariae are present within the daughter sporocysts 23 days after infection and emerge from the snail on the 25th day. They actively penetrate the skin of the duck and after a prepatent of 39 days, sexually mature trematodes are present in the blood vessels of the bird. The adult parasite is predominantly in the renal-portal system and to a lesser degree in the lungs and mesentery. A detailed morphological description of the egg. miracidium, sporocyst and cercaria is presented.

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