
The purpose of the article is to highlight the history of opening and ways of development of the Society’s scientific library according to the reporting documents. Research methods: system-structural, analytical-synthetic, comparative. The main results. The library of the Ekaterinoslav Scientific Society has come a long way from project preparation to actual opening and activity. According to the Charter, one of the tasks of the society was to create libraries of scientific and pedagogical publications and publishing activities. Organizational issues included consideration and supporting the project of opening a scientific library and a reading room. According to the reports, the library began its activity in 1907–1908 after moving to the Auditorium of Public Readings (Chechelivka settlement). The library’s funds were based on the remains of the people’s library, which was damaged during the fire of 1905, and the private library of the Sokolov family. The newly established library acted according to the Rules of using books, the content of which is interesting and useful today. A separate area of the scientific center’s activities was working with children’s audiences, namely conducting folk readings for children and and popularizing reading children’s literature. The history of the library is connected with the People’s University named after O. Karavaiev. The society existed until the early 20s of the 20th century. The library was partially transferred to the Palace of Culture of Metallurgists. Some of the books stored in the book collections of Dnipro National University scientific library have seals and are historical sources for the study of local lore and book heritage of Ukraine. Conclusions. The library of the Society played an important role in the processes of formation and development of scientific, educational and library space of the Yekaterinoslav province. The content and replenishment of funds, areas of activity were adjusted by members of the society and met the requirements of time and readers’ demand. Practical meaning. The materials of the article can be useful in the study of historical local lore, domestic library science and scientific and educational potential of the region. The scientific novelty lies in the holistic study of library activity of the Scientific Society as an important center in the formation of science in the province. Type of article: analytical.


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Заснування наукового товариства у Катеринославській губернії стало першорядним завданням прогресивного кола населення на початку ХХ ст. Цілісного дослідження з історії та діяльності бібліотеки Катеринославського наукового товариства немає. П. Чабана присвячена діячам Катеринославського наукового товариства, серед яких зазначаються особи, що опікувалися розвитком бібліотеки осередку. Мета дослідження полягала у висвітленні історії відкриття, шляхів розвитку бібліотеки та визначенні її місця у структурі та організації діяльності Катеринославського наукового товариства. 90 % членів товариства мали вищу освіту

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