
Review of the book: Mazuritsky A. M. Libraries in the years of Great Patriotic War: A learning guide. – Orel, 2020. – 139 p.The reviewed textbook introduces to the history of Russian librarianship during the Great Patriotic War. The structure of the manual is overviewed. The didactic analysis demonstrates the presentation logic which facilitates learning and is of great ethical educative value. In terms of scientific discussion, recommendations are given for further development of this subject scope to cover the following issues: 1) library support facilities for high morale and combative mood of the Red Army (the front-line and navy libraries); 2) library support of healing and bibliotherapy (hospital libraries); 3) library and information support of promising research and development projects (scientific and technical libraries of plants and factories); 4) libraries in the system of cultural, educational, moral and psychological support for the residents of blockaded Leningrad; 5) library support of high morale of the population and its faith in the victory over the enemy. The significance and relevance of the learning guide is emphasized. The reviewer recommends to prepare a textbook on the history of library construction during the Great Patriotic War.


  • The reviewed textbook introduces to the history of Russian librarianship during the Great Patriotic War

  • recommendations are given for further development of this subject scope to cover the following issues

  • The reviewer recommends to prepare a textbook on the history of library construction

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The reviewed textbook introduces to the history of Russian librarianship during the Great Patriotic War. Хорошим подарком к 75-летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне стал выход в свет учебного пособия, посвящённого библиотечному делу в годы войны [1]. Что автор рецензируемого учебного пособия разделяет эту методологическую установку. Во введении отражено состояние учебной библиотековедческой литературы, отмечено, что в ней тема, связанная с деятельностью библиотек в годы Великой Отечественной войны (ВОВ), представлена лишь фрагментарно [1.

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