
Este ensayo explora la polémica entre Bejamin Constant y el Abate de Pardt sobre la última dictadura de Simón Bolívar. Se argumenta que dicho debate hizo luz sobre una falla clave en el aparato del constitucionalismo liberal: la ausencia de una teoría respecto a los poderes de emergencia. Las nuevas naciones de América Latina escribieron constitutciones siguiendo los lineamientos de del teórico Benjamín Constant sobre no incluir poderes de emergencia. Aunque Bolívar era un admirador de Constant no siguió sus prescripciones sobre poderes de emergencia temporales.


  • Abstract. - This paper examines the 1830 polemic between Benjamin Constant and the Abbé de Pradt over Simón Bolívar’s last dictatorship

  • While Bolívar was an admirer of Constant, he deviated from his constitutional thinking regarding temporary emergency provisions

  • The question that I will address here is: what is the significance of this debate for liberalism and liberal constitutional ideas? My hypothesis is that the controversy evidenced the existence of a critical flaw in the political edifice of constitutional liberalism

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José Antonio Aguilar Rivera

Abstract. - This paper examines the 1830 polemic between Benjamin Constant and the Abbé de Pradt over Simón Bolívar’s last dictatorship. The polemic between De Pradt and Constant on Bolívar's last dictatorship has been, for the most part, disregarded by scholars.[1] The question that I will address here is: what is the significance of this debate for liberalism and liberal constitutional ideas? I will argue that the French Revolution had led Constant and other liberals to the unqualified rejection of the idea of constitutional emergency provisions. They removed these measures from their constitutional political lexicon. This experience, I will contend, conveys a significant theoretical relevance for nineteenth century liberalism and constitutionalism, since it exposed its flaws

The Primacy of Circumstance
Historical Background
The Controversy
The Bolivarian Moment
The Liberal Cloak
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