
The purpose of the study: to determine the level of development of agility, quickness, flexibility, strength, endurance in the applicants of higher education institutions of the I and II courses.
 Material and methods of the study. The study was conducted on the basis of the Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics and the National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute». It was attended by 849 in the applicants of higher education of the I and II courses aged 17–18 years old.
 The applicants of higher education took part in the study voluntarily and were informed about the specifics of the study in advance.
 Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalisation of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics.
 The level of development of agility in the applicants of higher education institutions of the I and II courses was determined by the indicators of «shuttle» running 4×9 m, speed – running for 100 m, flexibility – torso tilt forward from a sitting position, strength – long jump from a place, endurance – uniform running.
 Results of the study. The indicators of development of agility, quickness, flexibility, strength and endurance in the applicants of higher education institutions of the I and II courses are considered and compared with the normative data. A comparison of the indicators of these physical qualities in boys and girls in gender and age aspects is presented.
 Conclusions. The applicants of higher education institutions of the I and II courses have a low level of physical fitness. The best indicators of agility, quickness and flexibility were found among in the applicants of higher education of the I course; strength and endurance – in the applicants of higher education of the II course.

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