
Introduction: Kinesiophobia is one of the leading clinical factors in recovery from injury. The stressful situation of an ankle joint injury can cause severe withdrawal and fear of the patient to undertake physical activity, resulting in hypokinesia. Aims: The aim of the study was to demonstrate the relationship between the level of daily physical activity reported by the respondent after an ankle sprain and severity of the kinesiophobia phenomenon. Material and methods: The study comprised 78 people (mean age 23.1 years ± 3.3) with a history of ankle sprain injury. This population was divided into 2 groups, taking the given level of physical activity into account. GR1 consisted of 34 patients with an activity level of 0-3 hours a week of sports activity, GR2 was made up of 44 individuals reporting a level of physical activity > 3 hours a week. In order to obtain the necessary results, the respondents filled in their own personal data sheet; and 3 standardised questionnaires translated into Polish: Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM); Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ); Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia (TSK-17). Results: A high level of physical activity helps to avoid limitations in ankle and foot functioning. A relationship was found between functional limitations and the intensity of fear regarding movement according to the FABQ questionnaire. The limitations of the foot function translate into higher results for the FABQ questionnaire. No other statistically significant relationships were found. Conclusions: Kinesiophobia is a protective factor in the acute disease/injury phase. Physiologically, its level should decrease as functional abilities are regained. If the functional limitations remain high, the fear of movement also increases. Regular, high-level physical activity significantly improves the functioning of the ankle and foot, and reduces the level of kinesiophobia.

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