
This study aimed to reveal the level of enlightenment of teachers of Arabic language in the basic stage, with the concept of writing and the principles of its learning and teaching, also aimed at investigating whether the level of teachers’ enlightenment concept of writing and the principles of their learning and teaching vary according to two variables (the academic qualification and educational experience).To achieve the goal of the study, a test was built to measure teachers' enlightenmentconcept of writing and the principles of its learning and teaching, The test consisted of (30) items of multiple choice type, After verifying the validity and reliability of the two tools, they were distributed to the study sample consisting of (205) male and female teachers, from all Arabic language teachers for the basic stage in the city of Salt,and were distributed in public and private schools in the second semester of the current academic year 2019/2020, they were chosen randomly.Descriptive statistics and binary variance analysis showed that the level of teachers' enlightenmentconcept of writing and the principles of its learning and teaching was acceptance:(less than medium), and there were statistically significant differences between the means of the level of enlightenment among teachers, according to the variables: (educational qualification and educational experience), and in favor of graduate students and those with educational experience, The effect of the educational qualification on teachers' literacy is different from the concept of writing and the principles of its learning and teaching according to different levels of educational experience. The study was concluded with a set of recommendations that confirmed the necessity of holding training courses for teachers of Arabic language to increase their level of literacy, the concept of writing and the principles of its learning and teaching.

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