
Let $G=(G_j)_{j\ge 0}$ be a strictly increasing linear recurrent sequence of integers with $G_0=1$ having characteristic polynomial $X^{d}-a_1X^{d-1}-\cdots-a_{d-1}X-a_d$. It is well known that each positive integer $\nu$ can be uniquely represented by the so-called greedy expansion $\nu=\varepsilon_0(\nu)G_0+\cdots+\varepsilon_\ell(\nu)G_\ell$ for $\ell \in \mathbb{N}$ satisfying $G_\ell \le \nu 0}$ that \[ \sum_{q<x^{\vartheta-\varepsilon}}\max_{z<x}\max_{1\leq h\leq q} \lvert\sum_{\substack{k<z,s_G(k)\equiv r\bmod s k\equiv h\bmod q}}1 -\frac1q\sum_{k<z,s_G(k)\equiv r\bmod s}1\rvert \ll x(\log 2x)^{-A}. \] Here $\vartheta=\vartheta(G) \ge \frac12$ can be computed explicitly and we have $\vartheta(G) \to 1$ for $a_1\to\infty$. As an application we show that $\#\{ k\le x \,:\, s_G(k) \equiv r \pmod{s}, \; k \hbox{ has at most two prime factors} \} \gg x/\log x $ provided that the coefficient $a_1$ is not too small. Moreover, using Bombieri's sieve an almost prime number theorem for $s_G$ follows from our result. Our work extends earlier results on the classical $q$-ary sum-of-digits function obtained by Fouvry and Mauduit.

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