
Increase in disaster incidences have been witnessed in secondary schools in recent years, its frequency and impact hampering education process. For instance, besides loss of lives, and injuries, school properties have been damaged and closing and often with children having to leave school for long periods in recovery period. Continued occurrence and magnitude of disaster have prompted international organizations especially the United Nations agencies and other countries to come up with best practice models of institutions including training on disaster and disaster risk management. Despite the concerted efforts by the government of Kenya and other stakeholders in emphasizing preparedness, Kenya still experiences various disasters in schools. Majority of students in secondary schools are exposed to mishaps and accidents daily in schools. School authorities, parents and even students are jolted into actions only when a fatality or injury has occurred and this affects the response and mitigation level of these disasters and thus the need of the study. The general objective of the study is to assess disaster preparedness and safety standards in public secondary schools of Nairobi County, Kenya. The study sought to establish the level of disaster preparedness in public secondary schools in Nairobi County. The study adopted a descriptive research design. Target population of the study was 73 from which 13 schools were selected using random sampling. Data was collected using questionnaires, interview schedules, focus group discussions and observation checklist. From the findings, 10.16% (n=39) of the total population determining that schools conduct most frequent training, 13.02% (n=50) of the total population responded training programs are done frequently. 28.65 (n=110) of students indicated trainings on fire safety facilities are done less frequently. The findings revealed a lack of training and inadequate community awareness on disaster preparedness and safety standards. The study concluded that the schools were insufficiently prepared for disasters and most of the physical infrastructures were considered unsafe. The study recommended regular inspection of school infrastructure, safety training by qualified by qualified personnel and taking into consideration the ability and capacity of different schools when settings standards for disaster preparedness and safety.

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