
The study aimed to measure the level of application of farmers of scientific recommendations to combat diseases that affect some vegetable crops in the district of Faida / Nineveh Governorate, as well as to find a correlation between the level of application of farmers of scientific recommendations and sets of the independent variables The study included all vegetable crop farmers in the Fayda area, which numbered (130) farmers, of whom (30) farmers were excluded in the pre-test and the number of farmers subject to the study became (100) farmers. The results of the study showed that the level of application of farmers to scientific recommendations was generally average tends to rise, and the results also showed that the level of application of farmers to scientific recommendations was average tends to rise in the field of cucumber pests, and the level of application of scientific recommendations to combat some diseases in the field of diseases and pests of the pepper crop is described as high tends to average. The research concluded that many farmers need more extension activities that would raise their ability on how to apply techniques for controlling vegetable pests, and also concluded the importance of crystallizing a positive trend for farmers towards the application of scientific recommendations to control vegetable pests because of their importance in improving and increasing the production of vegetable crops. The research recommended intensifying events and extension activities to reach the largest number of farmers, and increase their knowledge of the types of pesticides, methods of use and dates of spraying them on the crop.

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