
The prolific Nile Delta to the south is an active petroleum province, but exploration activity in the deep water Levantine Basin offshore Cyprus, Israel and Lebanon has been limited. However, the recent deep water subsalt gas discoveries offshore Israel, the announced 2nd licensing round offshore Cyprus in 2009 and the planned 1st licensing round offshore Lebanon has spurred a significant increase in industry interest in the area. The Levantine Basin is bound to the east by the Levantine margin, to the north by the Latakia Ridge and to the west by the Erastosthenes Seamount and is interpreted as a Mesozoic transform rift graben. Our interpretation and the Tamar discovery indicate that much of the pre-Messinian sedimentary package in the Levantine probably consists of Oligocene to Miocene successions, rather than the Early Cretaceous/Senonian successions suggested previously.

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