
In this paper we study the one-loop dilatation operator of the full scalar field sector of Leigh-Strassler deformed N=4 SYM theory. In particular we map it onto a spin chain and find the parameter values for which the Reshetikhin integrability criteria are fulfilled. Some years ago Roiban found an integrable subsector, consisting of two holomorphic scalar fields, corresponding to the XXZ model. He was pondering about the existence of a subsector which would form generalisation of that model to an integrable su_q(3) model. Later Berenstein and Cherkis added one more holomorphic field and showed that the subsector obtained this way cannot be integrable except for the case when q=e^{i beta}, beta real. In this work we show if we add an anti-holomorphic field to the two holomorphic ones, we get indeed an integrable su_q(3) subsector. We find it plausible that a direct generalisation to a su_q(3,2) one-loop sector will exist, and possibly beyond one-loop.

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