
The author argues that it is necessary to amend the current legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, namely, the procedure provided for registration of data regarding parents and child birth registration when the child is born as a result of application of assisted reproductive technologies after the death of the parent in order to make the child the participant of the relations based on inheritance. The author substantiates the conclusion that the child born after the death of the testator, after the distribution of hereditary property had taken place, will not be able to act as the participant of this hereditary relationship. However, being recognized as a legitimate child of the deceased parent, he or she will be entitled to participate in inheritance relations in future.The conclusion is made about ambiguity of the approach chosen by the Tajik law-maker depending on the branch of law to the category «child in the womb» when determining problematic aspects of defining of live birth and vitality of the child for the purpose of referring the child to the participants of hereditary legal relations.The author investigates the problems of including the child into the number of participants of hereditary legal relations in antiquity. A historical review is carried out, and separate categories of marriages created in the territory of historical Tajikistan for the purpose of the child birth in order to transfer inheritance are considered. The author has determined that Zoroastrian law allowed the child born from the deceased person prior to the conception of the child to participate in hereditary legal relations as if the child were native and would be born during the life of a «legal» father. There were no legal obstacles for a child born in this case preventing him or her from receiving inheritance The beginnings of «traditional» surrogacy motherhood in the territory of historical Tajikistan are determined.


  • The author argues that it is necessary to amend the current legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, namely, the procedure provided for registration of data regarding parents and child birth registration when the child is born as a result of application of assisted reproductive technologies after the death of the parent in order to make the child the participant of the relations based on inheritance

  • The author substantiates the conclusion that the child born after the death of the testator, after the distribution of hereditary property had taken place, will not be able to act as the participant of this hereditary relationship

  • The conclusion is made about ambiguity of the approach chosen by the Tajik law-maker depending on the branch of law to the category «child in the womb» when determining problematic aspects of defining of live birth and vitality of the child for the purpose of referring the child to the participants of hereditary legal relations

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Автором обосновывается вывод о том, что ребенок, родившийся после смерти наследодателя, когда распределение наследственного имущества уже произошло, не сможет выступать субъектом именно данного наследственного правоотношения, но, будучи признанным законнорожденным ребенком умершего родителя, получит право на участие в отношениях по наследованию в будущем. Делается вывод о неоднозначности подхода таджикистанского законодателя в зависимости от отраслей права к категории «ребенок в утробе матери» при выявлении проблемных аспектов определения живорождения и жизнеспособности ребенка в целях отнесения к субъектам наследственных правоотношений. Проводится исторический обзор, рассматриваются отдельные категории браков, создаваемых на территории исторического Таджикистана в целях рождения ребенка, для передачи наследства. Что зороастрийское право допускало участие в наследственных правоотношениях ребенка от умершего человека до зачатия ребенка, как если бы ребенок являлся родным и был бы рожден при жизни «юридического» отца.

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