
Today there are some problems of intellectual property regulation during the process of projects implementation in science parks. At the same time, employees of universities and research institutes have not any interest to collaborate with science parks and other innovative structures that operated there. Authors of new technologies and scientific developments try to commercialize results of scientific researches outside their institutions.In this context, the process of intellectual property rights commercialization needs for legal regulation for such innovative structures. The article identifies and analyzes the problems of projects implementation of science parks as well as offers to solve them by change the current legislation.The author has developed proposals for improving the national legislation on legal regulation of science parks in Ukraine. The article provides an analysis of the current legislation and the judicial practice concerning the legal relations in the field of activity of science parks in Ukraine.The article also discusses the amount of remuneration for the authors of the technologies that are used in the functioning of science parks in Ukraine. The author also pays attention to the analysis of functioning of science parks in Ukraine through the lens of intellectual property rights.The author pays attention to the issue of intellectual property commercialization during the functioning of scientific parks and points to the need for legal regulation of the process of commercialization of intellectual property rights objects created in such innovative structures.The author also emphasizes that in the absence of a proper agreement on the distribution of property rights, such rights to the result of intellectual activity created in the framework of the implementation of the project on the basis of the employment contract are equally owned by the worker and the scientific park.

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