
The implementation of waqf cash that is not in accordance with the laws and regulations, raises legal problems in the community. The study will analyze the problem of chash waqf law and its juridical solution’s. This research in Central Java, by taking research samples from Boyolali, Salatiga, Regency and City of Semarang. The aim was to analyze the implementation of cash waqf in Central Java and its benefits can be used as material for government policies in implementing cash waqf law. The research type was field research and data was in the form of primary and secondary data, which includes primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The research results of the problem of cash waqf law in Central Java is; low public interest in representing cash waqf, lack of coordination between cash waqf institutions (BWI and LKS-PWU), lack of human resources in understanding cash waqf, and misunderstandings about the meaning of cash waqf. Juridical solutions include; increasing BWI management resources, optimizing BWI's performance, socialization of waqf legal rules, forming a positive image of LKS-PWU, and increasing the professionalism of integrated management in managing waqf assets.

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