
The article deals with historical development of the theological heritage of the Muslim peoples of Russia. Authors attempt to identify features specific to the formation of theological and legal Islamic thought. They research the activity of the important centres of Islamic scholarship in Russia, mainly the Northern Caucasus and the Ural-Volga region. The results reveal the successful adaptation of the legal system as developed for centuries within the framework of the Russian Muslim community as “the northern outpost of the Islamic world” to the realities of modern life. Modern times bring challenges to the spiritual security of the Russian Federation. Among them is global terrorism, as well as attempts to implant ideology historically and traditionally alien to the country into the religious communities of Russia as well as the Islamic Ummah. Within this context, the fatwa-making activity of the Russian muftis is of great importance. Having implemented the theological and legal heritage of Islamic thought into the modern spiritual practice of the Russia's Muslim community, spiritual leaders who stand on the position of moderate Islam have issued and continue the tradition to issue fatwas (decisions). These fatwas are aimed at preserving spiritual integrity, religious values, morality and compliance with religious prescriptions traditional for Islam in Russia. The system of Islamic education as formed in Russia based on unified methodological approaches, which should contribute to training Islamic theologians in Russia.

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