
The article discusses how an open access tool for collaborative online interaction (Hypothes.is) can be used to enhance collaborative and individual actions of language awareness and critical multimodal awareness for groups of undergraduate and postgraduate university students of English as a foreign language. The research questions focus on how student online collaboration can contribute to (or hinder) the process of critical analysis of multimodal texts, and to what extent collaboration through a digital environment can promote learner autonomy and peer learning through shared discourse and online/offline actions. The digital environment which is the main digital context of interaction for the study is LearnWeb/CELL: CELL (Communicating in English for Language Learning) is a community hosted within the LearnWeb digital environment developed by the L3S Research Center at Leibniz University (Hanover, Germany) (Marenzi 2014) and it is customized as a collaborative environment for undergraduate and postgraduate language courses at the University of Udine (Italy). The LearnWeb developers have embedded an open access application for website annotation (Hypothes.is) in the LearnWeb/CELL digital environment, so that it can be accessed and used by students and teachers. In the study we focus on the reflective learning dialogue that takes place between students when they analyze texts collaboratively. In general terms, this learning dialogue is usually rather elusive and difficult to capture because it happens informally outside the classroom. Our starting hypothesis was that the digital functionalities and affordances of Hypothes.is in CELL would capture at least a part of that learning dialogue and, more specifically, they would record what the students decide to disclose and reveal through their online annotations. Within the limitations of a small-scale study, the paper discusses the students’ individual and collective process of reflection on multimodal text analysis. This use of the digital environment allows teachers, researchers and the whole class to ‘see’ the powerful effect of learning with peers and from peers while developing learning autonomy and exploring learning strategies.

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