
The curriculum is one component of education which is very important. It acts as a guide that program implementers use in real learning process. Dynamically, curriculum always change in order to lead to the improvement of the education system. On the subjects of Pancasila and Citizenship Education in schools for example, has undergone several changes in the curriculum, both in charge of its content and on its nomenclature, this change is needed in order to create a future generation that had Pancasila character embedded on their heart as stated in national education goals. However, in the process of Pancasila and Citizenship Education's curriculum change, it is undeniable that it is influenced by the current Law Politics as politics is what makes the rules. But what exactly is the influences of the law politics on Indonesia’s Pancasila and Citizenship Education Curriculum Revitalization Of 2013?. The studies conducteed on how the Law politics influence the revitalization of Pancasila and Citizenship Education curriculum showed that (1) the Directions of Pancasila and Citizenship Education curriculum revitalization in Indonesia leads to; (2) The basic foundation establishment and implementation of the curriculum in 2013's Pancasila and Citizenship Education subject (3) the Products of Pancasila and Citizenship Education curriculum revitalization in Indonesia. The result that is a model of a good Pancasila and Citizenship Education curriculum revitalization should be implemented, monitoring and evaluation needs to be done to determine the level of achievement and expected results. Monitoring and evaluation results will serve as a recommendation to develop and or improve curriculum that will come.


  • The reformation era of Indonesia was marked by the fall of 2nd president of Indonesia Suharto, who caused corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) during his tenure raises the monetary crisis in Indonesia, prompting the Indonesian people to make changes in their life by creating a new order that can legally leads them towards improvement

  • This conformed to the mission of Pancasila and Citizenship Education as a subject that is focused on the formation of citizens able to carry out the rights and obligations to become Indonesian citizens which is intelligent, skilled character as mandated by Pancasila, the five fundamental norm of Indonesia and the Constitution of 1945 (Depdiknas 2006: 49)

  • Law politics in the revitalization of the curriculum in 2013's subjects that is Pancasila and Pancasila and Citizenship Education in the form of (1) the directions of revitalization of the Pancasila and Pancasila and Citizenship Education subject is based on Pancasila as a basis of ideals and the 1945 Constitution as the source of the supreme law of the entire Indonesian legal product, (2) the legal basis underlying the implementation of the curriculum in 2013 subjects Pancasila and Pancasila and Citizenship Education, (3) the results of revitalization and implementation of the curriculum in 2013's Pancasila and Pancasila and Citizenship Education subjects must be analyzed which the author will do in this Article

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The reformation era of Indonesia was marked by the fall of 2nd president of Indonesia Suharto, who caused corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) during his tenure raises the monetary crisis in Indonesia, prompting the Indonesian people to make changes in their life by creating a new order that can legally leads them towards improvement Such changes are in economic and political fields, and in the field of education. Various definition above implies that Pancasila and Citizenship Education is nothing but a role as one of the subjects in school that aims to develop, establish, and to prepare young people (students) who are committed and consistent in independence through the attitude of responsibility and participatory as citizen. Curriculum development direction are based on the content, pedagogical models, competency to be achieved, and the scoring system

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