
In their attempts to revive “true religion,” Locke and several English deists, such as Toland, Tindal, Chubb, Morgan, and Annet, focused on the relationship between the Law of Nature, the Law of Moses, and Christ’s teaching. However, Locke and the deists formulated different conceptions of the Law of Nature and its relationship with natural religion, Mosaic Judaism, and primitive Christianity. Locke saw the history of human knowledge of morality and religion as a process of gradual disclosure of divinely given truths—a process culminating in Christian revelation. He argued that the Law of Faith, established by Christ, had complemented the Law of Nature and superseded the Law of Moses. Conversely, the deists maintained that the only true religion was the universal, eternal, necessary, and sufficient religion of nature founded on the Law of Nature. They thought that Jesus had merely reaffirmed the Law of Nature, accessible to natural reason, without adding anything to it. Concerning Mosaic Judaism, there were significant differences between Toland and later deists. Toland considered Mosaic Judaism to be on a par with primitive Christianity, since he viewed both the Law of Moses and Christ’s precepts as essentially grounded in the Law of Nature. Conversely, Tindal and Chubb judged the ritual prescriptions of the Mosaic Law superseded by Christ’s revival of natural religion. Morgan and Annet went even further, for they identified true Christianity with the religion of nature, but criticized Mosaic Judaism as a corruption of natural religion. Briefly, Locke and the English deists aimed to recover true religion from long-lasting distortions. However, their rethinking of the relationship between the Law of Nature, the Mosaic Law, and Christ’s message led to different conceptions, uses, and appropriations of natural religion, Mosaic Judaism, and primitive Christianity in their attempts to restore what they perceived as true religion.


  • The concept of the Law of Nature played an important role in the philosophical and religious [1] LucciEntangled Religions 8 (2019)thought of the English Enlightenment, when the relationship between natural and revealed religion was the focus of discussion

  • He claimed that relying on natural reason alone and believing in natural religion or sticking to the superseded Law of Moses was ineffective to morality and salvation

  • Toland, Tindal, and other English deists of the eighteenth century saw the religion of nature, based on the Law of Nature, as universal and sufficient

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American University in Bulgaria

ଈ୪ഌഝ೶ଈ୽ഝ In their attempts to revive “true religion,” Locke and several English deists, such as Toland, Tindal, Chubb, Morgan, and Annet, focused on the relationship between the Law of Nature, the Law of Moses, and Christ’s teaching. Locke saw the history of human knowledge of morality and religion as a process of gradual disclosure of divinely given truths—a process culminating in Christian revelation He argued that the Law of Faith, established by Christ, had complemented the Law of Nature and superseded the Law of Moses. Locke and the English deists aimed to recover true religion from long-lasting distortions Their rethinking of the relationship between the Law of Nature, the Mosaic Law, and Christ’s message led to different conceptions, uses, and appropriations of natural religion, Mosaic Judaism, and primitive Christianity in their attempts to restore what they perceived as true religion. ౖ஥൰ൠಧ೶ஐഌ Christianity, Deism, John Locke, John Toland, Judaism, Law of Nature, Matthew Tindal, Peter Annet, Thomas Chubb, Thomas Morgan

Morality and Salvation in Locke
Natural Religion and Political Religion according to Thomas Morgan
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