
Gastroesophageal refl ux disease (GERD) is one of the most common patholo-giesofthegastrointestinaltractdetectedinadults.Theimplementationofadif-gies of the gastrointestinal tract detected in adults. The implementation of a dif-ferentialapproachindiagnosticsispossiblethroughthecomplexsimultaneousferential approach in diagnostics is possible through the complex simultaneous applicationofseveralexaminationmethods,suchasendoscopicandradiolog-application of several examination methods, such as endoscopic and radiolog-ical.Standardtreatmentincludesmedicalandlaparoscopicmethodsofsolvingical. Standard treatment includes medical and laparoscopic methods of solving problems.Thesuccessoflaparoscopicsurgerydependsonmanyfactors.Forproblems. The success of laparoscopic surgery depends on many factors. For example,fromtheknowledge,skill,experienceofagroupofsurgeons.Asanexample, from the knowledge, skill, experience of a group of surgeons. As an innovationforthesuccessofsurgicaltreatmentofthepatientandhispersonal-innovation for the success of surgical treatment of the patient and his personal-ization,weproposedadditionalscientificandexperimentalapproaches,suchasization, we proposed additional scientifi c and experimental approaches, such as modelinganddeterminingtherheologyofthemasses.modeling and determining the rheology of the masses.

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