
This review article presents an overview of the evolution of the field of insulator-based dielectrophoresis (iDEP); in particular, it focuses on insulator-based electrokinetic (iEK) systems stimulated with direct current and low-frequency(< 1kHz) AC electric fields. The article covers the surge of iDEP as a research field where many different device designs were developed, from microchannels with arrays of insulating posts to devices with curved walls and nano- and micropipettes. All of these systems allowed for the manipulation and separation of a wide array of particles, ranging from macromolecules to microorganisms, including clinical and biomedical applications. Recent experimental reports, supported by important theoretical studies in the field of physics and colloids, brought attention to the effects of electrophoresis of the second kind in these systems. These recent findings suggest that DEP is not the main force behind particle trapping, as it was believed for the last two decades. This new research suggests that particle trapping, under DC and low-frequency AC potentials, mainly results from a balance between electroosmotic and electrophoretic effects (linear and nonlinear); although DEP is present in these systems, it is not a dominant force. Considering these recent studies, it is proposed to rename this field from DC-iDEP to DC-iEK (and low-frequency AC-iDEP to low-frequency AC-iEK). Whereas much research is still needed, this is an exciting time in the field of microscale EK systems, as these new findings seem to explain the challenges with modeling particle migration and trapping in iEK devices, and provide perhaps a better understanding of the mechanisms behind particle trapping.

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