
The palynological investigations of sediments of the crater of El’gygytgyn Lake (67°30′ N, 172°05′ E), which provided a continuous record of interglacial and glacial events in Polar Chukotka, revealed significant climate warming corresponding to Marine Isotope Stage 31 (MIS 31) lasting from 1.062 to 1.081Ma ago. Its upper limit is placed within the Jaramillo paleomagnetic episode (0.99–1.07 Ma) registered in the sedimentary section of the lake. During MIS 31, the vegetation community was dominated by Betula-Alnus forests with subordinate Larix trees. These forests included also coniferous (Picea, Pinus) and broad-leaved trees and shrubs (Quercus, Carpinus, Corylus). The interglacial of MIS 31 was characterized by the warmest climate for the entire Quaternary Period. The warming episode established in the continuous record of the section of El’gygytgyn Lake implies relations between climatic events in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.

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