
AbstractA profile across the unglaciated coast of northeast Greenland at 77°N was studied with regard to the Quaternary stratigraphy and glacial history. The Germania Land peninsula is characterised by till‐covered lower ground which contrasts sharply with the blockfields and extensive gelifluction deposits of its higher altitudes. Two glaciations are distinguished. The older one extended over the entire area and had its margin on the continental shelf. The younger one, of Late Weichselian age, reached the present coastline and several mountains and high plateaus on western Germania Land formed nunataks.The Late Weichselian glaciation was more extensive and occurred later on the Germania Land peninsula than on the coast further south. Radiocarbon dates suggest that the glacier margin rested to the east of the present coastline until ca. 10 000 yr BP. This correlates with the Late Weichselian Milne Land Stage, which is found as a late glacial readvance along the coast of East Greenland. A series of recessional moraines formed during the deglaciation were probably caused by glacier dynamics, as opposed to being of climatic origin.

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