
The Las Campanas Infrared (LCIR) Survey, using the Cambridge Infra-Red Survey Instrument (CIRSI), reaches H∼21 over nearly 1 deg^2. In this paper we present results from 744 arcmin^2 centred on the Hubble Deep Field South for which UBVRI optical data are publicly available. Making conservative magnitude cuts to ensure spatial uniformity, we detect 3177 galaxies to H=20.0 in 744 arcmin^2 and a further 842 to H=20.5 in a deeper subregion of 407 arcmin^2. We compare the observed optical–infrared (IR) colour distributions with the predictions of semi-analytic hierarchical models and find reasonable agreement. We also determine photometric redshifts, finding a median redshift of ∼0.55. We compare the redshift distributions N(z) of E, Sbc, Scd and Im spectral types with models, showing that the observations are inconsistent with simple passive-evolution models while semi-analytic models provide a reasonable fit to the total N(z) but underestimate the number of z∼1 red spectral types relative to bluer spectral types. We also present N(z) for samples of extremely red objects (EROs) defined by optical–IR colours. We find that EROs with R-H>4 and H 4 comprise ∼18 per cent of the observed galaxy population, while in semi-analytic models they contribute only ∼4 per cent. We also determine the angular correlation function w(θ) for magnitude, colour, spectral type and photometric redshift-selected subsamples of the data and use the photometric redshift distributions to derive the spatial clustering statistic ξ(r) as a function of spectral type and redshift out to z∼1.2. Parametrizing ξ(r) by ξ(rc,z)=[rc/r∗(z)]^(-1.8), where r_c is in comoving coordinates, we find that r∗(z) increases by a factor of 1.5–2 from z=0 to z∼1.2. We interpret this as a selection effect – the galaxies selected at z∼1.2 are intrinsically very luminous, about 1–1.5 mag brighter than L∗. When galaxies are selected by absolute magnitude, we find no evidence for evolution in r∗ over this redshift range. Extrapolated to z=0, we find r∗(z=0)∼6.5 h^(-1) Mpc for red galaxies and r∗(z=0)∼2–4 h^(-1) Mpc for blue galaxies. We also find that, while the angular clustering amplitude of EROs with R-H>4 or I-H>3 is up to four times that of the whole galaxy population, the spatial clustering length r∗(z=1) is ∼7.5–10.5 h^(-1) Mpc, which is only a factor of ∼1.7 times r∗(z=1) for R-H<4 and I-H<3 galaxies lying in a similar redshift and luminosity range. This difference is similar to that observed between red and blue galaxies at low redshifts.

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