
Bug ovaries are of the telotrophic meroistic type. Nurse cells are restricted to the anterior tropharium and are in syncytial connection with the oocytes via the acellular trophic core region into which cytoplasmic projections of oocytes and nurse cells open. The origin of intercellular connections in bug ovaries is not well understood. In order to elucidate the cellular processes underlying the emergence of the syncytium, we analysed the development of the ovary of Dysdercus intermedius throughout the five larval instars. Up to the third instar, the germ cell population of an ovariole anlage forms a single, tight rosette. In the center of the rosette, phosphotyrosine containing proteins and f-actin accumulate. This center is filled with fusomal cytoplasm and closely interdigitating cell membranes known as the membrane labyrinth. With the molt to the fourth instar germ cells enhance their mitotic activity considerably. As a rule, germ cells divide asynchronously. Simultaneously, the membrane labyrinth expands and establishes a central column within the growing tropharium. In the fifth instar the membrane labyrinth retracts to an apical position, where it is maintained even in ovarioles of adult females. The former membrane labyrinth in middle and posterior regions of the tropharium is replaced by the central core to which nurse cells and oocytes are syncytially connected. Germ cells in the most anterior part of the tropharium, i.e. those in close proximity to the membrane labyrinth remain proliferative. The posterior-most germ cells enter meiosis and become oocytes. The majority of the ovarioles' germ cells, located in between these two populations, endopolyploidize and function as nurse cells. We conclude that the extensive multiplication of germ cells and their syncytial assembly during larval development is achieved by incomplete cytokineses followed by massive membrane production. Membranes are degraded as soon as the trophic core develops. For comparative reasons, we also undertook a cursory examination of early germ cell development in Dysdercus intermedius males. All results were compatible with the known basic patterns of early insect spermatogenesis. Germ cells run through mitotic and meiotic divisions in synchronous clusters emerging from incomplete cytokineses. During the division phase, the germ cells of an individual cluster are connected by a polyfusome rich in f-actin.

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