
o c w s u he Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences USUHS) was created by an act of Congress of the United tates of America in 1972 and began a set of challenges to stablish an academic and credible Department of Surgery. abiston and Rich documented early struggling activities as The onsultant and First Chairman to the Department of Surgery. oore, serving on the Board of Regents for USUHS for an early -year period, and Pories as an Army Reserve Officer and erving on the Surgical Faculty provided additional details rearding the activities of the only Federal Medical School with a ission to provide young physicians to serve in the Air Force, rmy, Navy, and Public Health Service. Although this was a new school, there were many estabished traditions in military medicine and surgery, including strong and extensive military surgical heritage. To provide n incentive and to establish a specific tradition for the new epartment of Surgery, it was agreed that there should be a pecific award presented to a military surgeon in uniform on ctive duty who had demonstrated a record of achieving cademic recognition, who provided outstanding care for he extended military family, and who contributed to the eveloping activities in the Department of Surgery at SUHS. In seeking wide consultation from historians and thers not involved with USUHS, it was emphasized that the ward should be named for a highly recognized military urgeon, and considering surgeons’ egos, it was best to hoose a surgeon who was dead. Baron Dominique Jean arrey, surgeon to Napoleon, was widely considered to be ne of the most outstanding military surgeons of the world, f not the most outstanding. Napoleon called Larrey, “the ost virtuous man he had ever known.” He exemplified hat we hope military surgeons would emulate in treating ounded on the battlefield without regard to nationality or tation in life. Details regarding Larrey’s humanism have been docuented earlier by our Department of Surgery. This new ward was named The Baron Dominque Jean Larrey Award

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