
We report on the angular correlation function of Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) at z~4 and 5 from deep samples obtained from the Great Observatories Deep Origins Survey (GOODS). Similar to LBGs at z~3, the shape of w(theta) of the GOODS LBGs is well approximated by a power-law with slope beta~0.6 at angular separation theta > 10 arcsec. The clustering strength of z~4, 5 LBGs also depends on the rest-frame UV luminosity, with brighter galaxies more strongly clustered than fainter ones, implying a general correlation between halos' mass and LBGs' star-formation rate. At smaller separations, w(theta) of deep samples significantly exceeds the extrapolation of the large-scale power-law fit, implying enhanced spatial clustering at scales r < 1 Mpc. We also find that bright LBGs statistically have more faint companions on scales theta < 20 arcsec than fainter ones, showing that the enhanced small-scale clustering is very likely due to sub-structure, namely the fact that massive halos can host multiple galaxies. A simple model for the halo occupation distribution and the CDM halo mass function reproduce well the observed w(theta). The scaling relationship of the clustering strength with volume density and with redshift is quantitatively consistent with that of CDM halos. A comparison of the clustering strength of three samples of equal luminosity limit at z ~ 3, 4 and 5 shows that the LBGs at z~5 are hosted in halos about one order of magnitude less massive than those in the lower redshift bins, suggesting that star-formation was more efficient at higher-redshift.

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