
The Cassini mission entered the Grand Finale phase in April 2017 and executed 22.5 highly inclined, close-in orbits around Saturn before diving into the planet on September 15th 2017. Here we present our analysis of the Cassini Grand Finale magnetometer (MAG) dataset, focusing on Saturn’s internal magnetic field. These measurements demonstrate that Saturn’s internal magnetic field is exceptionally axisymmetric, with a dipole tilt less than 0.007 degrees (25.2 arcsecs). Saturn’s magnetic equator was directly measured to be shifted northward by ∼ 0.0468 ± 0.00043 (1σ) RS, 2820±26 km, at cylindrical radial distances between 1.034 and 1.069 RS from the spin-axis. Although almost perfectly axisymmetric, Saturn’s internal magnetic field exhibits features on many characteristic length scales in the latitudinal direction. Examining Br at the a=0.75RS, c=0.6993RS isobaric surface, the degree 4 to 11 contributions correspond to latitudinally banded magnetic perturbations with characteristic width ∼15∘, similar to that of the off-equatorial zonal jets observed in the atmosphere of Saturn. Saturn’s internal magnetic field beyond 60∘, in particular the small-scale features, are less well constrained by the available measurements, mainly due to incomplete spatial coverage in the polar region. Magnetic fields associated with the ionospheric Hall currents were estimated and found to contribute less than 2.5 nT to Gauss coefficients beyond degree 3. The magneto-disk field features orbit-to-orbit variations between 12 nT and 15.4 nT along the close-in part of Grand Finale orbits, offering an opportunity to measure the electromagnetic induction response from the interior of Saturn. A stably stratified layer thicker than 2500 km likely exists above Saturn’s deep dynamo to filter out the non-axisymmetric internal magnetic field. A heat transport mechanism other than pure conduction, e.g. double diffusive convection, must be operating within this layer to be compatible with Saturn’s observed luminosity. The latitudinally banded magnetic perturbations likely arise from a shallow secondary dynamo action with latitudinally banded differential rotation in the semi-conducting layer.


  • Intrinsic magnetic field is a fundamental property of a planet

  • The search for depar70 tures from perfect axisymmetry in the internal magnetic field of Saturn is of 71 great interest, since it could yield the true rotation period of the deep inte72 rior and provide key constraints on the dynamo process inside 75 Saturn

  • Here we report our analysis of the Cassini Grand Finale MAG dataset, focusing on Saturn’s internal magnetic field

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Intrinsic magnetic field is a fundamental property of a planet. 30 is it a key factor in determining the electromagnetic environment of a plan etary body, it serves as a key diagnostic of the interior structure and 32 dynamics of the host planet (Stevenson, 2003, 2010). We have extended the analysis presented in Dougherty et al (2018) in several ways: i) MAG data from the last 12.5 Cassini Grand Finale orbits are analyzed here together with those presented in Dougherty et al (2018), ii) an explicit search for internal non-axisymmetry is carried out, iii) the effect of incomplete spatial coverage is demonstrated with reg134 ularized inversion, and iv) Green’s functions were employed in addition to 135 the traditional Gauss coefficients in constructing models of Saturn’s inter136 nal magnetic field, v) ionospheric current and their associated magnetic field are modeled evaluated with a simple axisymmetric model, and vi) search for electromagnetic induction from the interior of Saturn and orbit-to-orbit varying “internal” field is carried out.

Cassini Grand Finale trajectory and MAG measurements
Saturn’s magnetic equator position and its spatial variations
The eigenvectors of the inverse problem formulated with Green’s function
Electromagnetic induction response from Saturn’s interior
Orbit-to-orbit variations in Saturn’s “internal” quadrupole magnetic moments
Search for non-axisymmetry in Saturn’s internal magnetic field
Implication for Saturn’s interior
10. Summary and Outlook
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