
Validation is particularly important in forensic science. Each process utilised by a forensic laboratory will undergo validation to ensure it is functioning as expected. Some pieces of equipment (hardware) will be simple to validate, and this will be conducted regularly. However, many commonly employed fingermark enhancement reagents, such as ninhydrin and 1,2-Indandione, do not have clearly defined and robust validation parameters. To that end, artificial fingermark solutions, particularly amino acid solutions, have previously been investigated as a controlled validation method, via deposition onto a substrate. Whilst amino acid reagents are important, there is also a wider group of latent fingermark constituents (targets) that require the use of other enhancement reagents within the forensic laboratory. The work presented herein seeks to expand on the concept of amino acid printing, by exploring the possibilities of depositing a sebaceous solution matrix, thereby facilitating the testing of reagents such as Oil-Red-O and Physical Developer. In addition, we present a method that extends capabilities beyond fingermark enhancement reagents for porous substrates, by developing a methodology that enables process validation of the cyanoacrylate fuming technique to be easily facilitated. These simple and effective solutions have the capacity to serve as a crucial process validation check within the laboratory validation workflow.

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