
In today's competitive business environment, there are ever in-creasing pressures upon knowledge workers to solve problems in a near real-time manner. It is the responsibility of the knowledge worker to interpret, analyze and act upon information. Today collaboration-enabling technologies such as email, instant mes-saging, web meetings and teleconferencing enable businesses to realize operational efficiencies.Is change on the horizon? The next generation of knowledge workers will be unlike any seen before. Millennials introduce employees into the workforce whose use of technology is greater than any other previous generation. This panel will explore what, if any impact the Millennial workforce will have upon the work environment.What will be the single most significant influence in the next 5 years that will affect knowledge workers and the organizations in which they work? In what way will traditional walls between work and private life break down and is this a good thing? What types of devices will tomorrow's workers will use to get their job done? What impacts will consumer-facing applications have upon enterprise software and IT departments? Here is your opportunity to participate in the conversation with our panel of experts.

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