
The emergence of renewable energy offers opportunities for academia and the industry to conduct scientific research and innovative technological developments on wind turbine climbing robots. These robots were developed to carry out specialized application tasks, such as in-situ inspection and maintenance of wind turbine physical structure. This paper presents a scaled-down prototype design of a climbing robot for wind turbine maintenance and its kinematic modeling. The winding mechanism is the key feature for providing enough adhesion force to support the climbing robot and needs to adapt to the different diameters of the wind turbine tower, as it climbs through a circular truncated cone shape. A climbing model is then considered, using four mecanum wheels for maneuverability of the different movement states up-down, rotation, and spiral as it climbs the wind turbine tower. The design of the wind turbine climbing robot was modeled in SketchUp and the motion states were implemented in MATLAB for the climbing performance capabilities of the driving wheels of the robot. Based on the theoretical results of motion characteristics, the scaled-down prototype design of a climbing robot possesses maneuverability of motion and is able to predict the robot’s performance. The contribution of this paper is intended to provide a basis for the new transformative climbing robot design and effectiveness of the mecanum wheel for robot motion.


  • The emergence of renewable energy is evident through the utilization of wind energy towards achieving a clean energy transformation

  • Work In this paper, the scaled-down prototype design of a climbing robot for wind turbine was presented with a kinematic analysis on its different movement states

  • The scaled-down prototype design of a climbing robot for wind turbine was presented with a kinematic analysis on its different movement states

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The emergence of renewable energy is evident through the utilization of wind energy towards achieving a clean energy transformation. AA cclliimmbbiinngg rroobboott iiss aarroobboottiiccssyysstteemmtthhaattiisseeqquuiippppeeddwwiitthhaannaapppprroopprriiaatteellooccoommoottiioonn aanndd aaddhheessiioonn mmeecchhaanniissmm ffoorr aaddaappttiinngg ttoo tthhee ggiivveenn eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss [[44]]. FFoorr eexxaammppllee,, aass sshhoowwnn iinn TTaabbllee 11 tthhee ffiirrsstt mmooddeell iiss tthhee ddeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff aa ““rriinngg”” cclliimmbbiinngg rroobboott wwiitthh aa ppaayyllooaadd ccaappaabbiilliittyyaalllloowwiinnggiitt ttoo cclliimmbb aarroouunndd tthhee ccyylliinnddrriiccaall ttoowweerr. One of the key features of the climbing robot is the winding mechanism that utilizes a PL 36-37-42HS03 (Shenzhen Leadshine Control Technology Co. Ltd., Shenzhen City, Guangdong, China) step motor connected with a fabricated twin pulley and Bowden cable to provide the force to adhere the climbing robot on the tower surface. Ltd., Shenzhen City, Guangdong, China) step motor connected with a fabricated twin pulley and Bowden cable to provide the force to adhere the climbing robot on the tower surface This mechanism will adjust to the different diameters of the circular truncated cone tower to grip on the are not. The robot’s weight, wheel torques, forces, and the inclination angle can be managed to meet the climbing scenario needed

Kinematic Modeling
Results and Discussion
Conclusions and Future Work
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